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Onneile Nelly Maripe

Finance Performance Analyst at Debswana Diamond Company

The initiatives I would like to bring attention to: The utilization and realization of artificial intelligence into our society and not only corporate or business practices. This includes the ability to realize the interaction being human capital investment and technology. I am in the mining sector, particularly within the finance and ESG space. The interaction between these two disciplines is tremendous and technology is the best way to integrate these fields for quality, complete and accurate disclosures and reporting. In order to achieve value in our processes we must be able to shift our mindset towards a sustainable & more value-adding approach towards change.

What does Transformational leadership mean to you?

Alignment of leadership strategies with people’s future skills. As companies shift & move towards best practices to solve problems, be more adaptable, agile , bring the people in along the journey. Develop a plan to show people what they stand to benefit in terms of being up skilled when the business grows.

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