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Nardos Alemayehu

Digital Storyteller at Dreaming Out Loud

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The initiative I'm deeply passionate about is harnessing digital storytelling to advocate for data equity culture. In our interconnected world, ensuring that Black communities have equitable access to data and the ability to share their stories is vital. By leveraging technology to democratize information and amplify marginalized voices, we can create a more inclusive and equitable digital landscape.

Another critical area is public policy advocacy for systemic change.

Transformational leadership, to me, means working at the intersection of digital communication and public policy to champion reforms that directly benefit Black communities worldwide. By fostering a global dialogue on equity and justice, we can pave the way for substantial and lasting societal transformation.

Lastly, the promotion of digital education and literacy within Black communities is essential. By providing the tools and knowledge necessary for digital fluency, we empower individuals to participate fully in the digital economy, access essential services, and contribute to the global narrative on their terms. This initiative is about breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for growth and innovation.

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